Lunch in Royal Oak
I decided to venture to my old stomping grounds of downtown Royal Oak today for lunch. When I first moved to Michigan from Texas, I originally settled into an apartment in Royal Oak just across from the high school. I spent my first three years there, and I forgot how much I missed the quaintness of its downtown.
It’s filled with well-kept and friendly local businesses that I quite like to shop at. Before grabbing lunch, my wife and I visited Sidetrack Bookshop where I had applied to have my book stocked the other day. I had initially planned to stop in just to drop off “Convergence” for review but ended up picking up a hardcover copy of “Tales of Horror” by H.P. Lovecraft. I had read many of the stories in this before but the design and luxury of the hardback was too nice to pass up. It has a very stark design with tentacles and bold colors. The only think I’m not fond of is the gold trimmed edges on the pages; that stuff always gets on my hands. I also picked up a little ghost-cat bookmark for my wife.
We then popped in next door to Hihi which is an anime and Japanese theme gift store. When I was younger, I used to be obsessive with collecting every and known figure that was related to one of my fandoms; but now, I’ve slowed down immensely. However due to Persona 3 getting a remake, I couldn’t help but pick up a figure of Aigis. The quality of the sculpting and paint was very good for the price, and the size of the figure (measuring about 6 inches) was impossible to pass up. While she isn’t my favorite character from the games, I’m just glad I have something Persona 3 related in my collection since it is my favorite of the series.
Finally, we ended up at Little Bros. Burgers for lunch. Little Bros. never disappoints, and I can’t wait to take any company that visits to get some of their excellent burgers. I will say though, their food always tastes better when you’re a little bit tipsy… or just plain drunk. Then again, everything tastes better when you’re drunk.
Overall, great lunch break and here’s hoping Sidetrack Bookshop decides to carry my book!