4th of July/Next Novel Update
Yesterday was the 4th of July, and like every Independence Day our neighborhood lit a whole bunch of fireworks. Families up and down the streets lit a variety of fountains, sparklers, and rockets. My wife and I lit fireworks as well. We went last minute shopping (so our arsenal was pretty small) but the couple of fountains and whistlers we bought were just as entertaining as previous years. I always preferred lighting my own fireworks. Something about sitting out on the driveway eating grilled food and having a beer has always been the peak of American culture for me and vastly preferred over overcharged organized events.
As for my next novel, I’ve decided to put my steampunk horror on hold until I can hash out the details some more. I actually wrote about four chapters of it already, but something about it didn’t feel right. I need to flesh out the lore and inner-workings of the world before I can really get into it. But for now, I’ve decided to switch gears and work on a shorter tale about a man dealing with his own demonic possession.
I’m shooting for roughly 50,000 words. Hopefully, it will be a story I’m pleased with and will leave concise and impactful message.